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Friday, June 7, 2013


Joyful June and Dreams Come True...
As we begin a new month, we are taking a pause to integrate all of the powerful, life-changing energies of the triple, lunar-solar-lunar eclipses through April and May. And we need it! It has been an overwhelmingly intense last couple of months. It takes great strength and courage to exist on this planet during this shakin' and shiftin' time. So be gentle and kind with yourself and others no matter what your life circumstances, situations, or where you think you ought to be.

Enjoy the pause while it lasts because we are coming up on summer solstice in a couple weeks, another cosmic party with plenty of spiritual fireworks. Should we expect the emotional meltdowns of last month? Although this will be another opportunity for cleaning our karmic houses so to speak, I see it as more of an uplifting movement in our evolution. For those who have done their work, there could be a transcendence of old patterns, emotions, and experiences that have kept you blocked or stuck. Not to mention downloads of joy and bliss, like a cool, delicious, ice cream on a sunny afternoon. This is cause for celebration! Two newsletters ago, I wrote that this summer is the time for bringing our babies home and this I see happening for the many... (More information shared here in the expanded version newsletter. To read more about the expanded versions or to purchase go to: http://tealhealing.blogspot.com/2013/03/expanded-version-monthly-updates-on.html#more

As the baby birds outside my window have reminded me over the last week, we are learning to fly. We are ready to soar. The next two weeks (before solstice) will be the time to set our intentions in motion for the greatest success in all the applicable life areas. I'm hearing it's necessary to get prepared, lay all necessary groundwork for the needed life changes--both emotional and practical. And the birds say, "be ready to be busy if this is what you want; don't miss out on opportunities that may be available for only brief periods of time." This preparation must be complete by the time mercury retrograde starts around the 26th of June so that we are ready to move forward. After that, we simply step aboard the streamliner and are whisked into our new lives.

Many of you may be feeling like you still have one foot in both worlds--your old life and your new one. It can leave you with feelings of confusion, anxiety, uncertainty, or disorientation. One minute you were so sure of a decision, and the next you might be questioning your sanity. If you find your life changing with little or no effort, support that seems to come out of the woodwork, and doors opening around you as you consider a possibility, that is your thumbs-up or green light to move forward with a change (even if much of it is still unknown). And yes, things might yet change again, and look differently to you, but you will have taken the appropriate steps to make your new life a reality. I know I can relate to this one in my own life...(More information shared here in expanded version newsletter).

You might also be living your past and future simultaneously, which leaves you even more paranoid or doubtful to say the least. Afraid of experiencing past traumas or mistakes all over again? The best thing to do in either case is to stay rooted in the now. We are changing the past and creating the future through each moment and that is the beauty of being fully present. Notice what is happening, make the needed changes, and master the lessons so that you can finally be firmly planted in your intentional life.

In the meantime, what about that future life? What about our new babies? Does it feel like it's still a fantasy or illusion, or a destination you'll never reach? Although we still have more inner work to do to experience the full fledged, big picture of our dreams in action, we will get our wish and have our new start...but it is only the beginning, so we must have patience while things continue to unfold. Despite the waiting time, it is safe to trust the dream, safe to honor the knowingness that tells you to make a change, the calling of your heart to a particular place, vocation, or person. The high councils of Sirius and Pleiades remind me that this summer won't be a time of let down or disappointment, but a taste of what is to come, like a tantalizing appetizer before the main course.

During this whole process and especially during the solstice time, similar to what we've experienced over the last month, we can expect many energetic changes (and bodily symptoms). Dizziness, with or without nausea, disorientation, forgetfulness, ungroundedness, heart palpitations, imbalances with digestion, sensitivity to light and sound, headaches, and backaches are only several of the many. (More info. here in expanded version).

And what to expect for the rest of the collective (those unawakened or newly awakened) during this powerful time? There is a vast, untapped, emotional wounding in this group that must be worked through for the greater good of all on the planet. My sense is that there will be plenty of time and ways for the wounds to be addressed in the coming years (More information here in expanded version). What we can do to help in the process is to focus on healing and shifting ourselves, thus becoming enlightened role models, rising above fear and embracing the excitement of this lifetime's adventure. Yes, even while facing threatening social and environmental issues! When in doubt, desperate, or hopeless, remember: We are all creating our shared reality as we go along...through what we believe...together.

See you around the next corner of the journey,

Heather & the newsletter guides

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star: Energy Activations from our galactic friends

You will receive these energy activations from the Sirian and Pleiadian High Councils. They will help with the following life areas:

Get more information on your new babies (aka projects, new beginnings)

How to move more fully out of your old life and into the new

Generating greater perseverance and trust to further motivate and inspire you towards BIG dreams

Healing to ease the bodily discomfort/emotional angst with transformation

Role modeling to those newly awakened, your commitment to the healing journey, while maintaining optimism with life's ups and downs along the way...

If you wish to receive them, please click on the link in the second paragraph of this newsletter to purchase my expanded version newsletter.