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Friday, January 1, 2016

January Newsletter on the Shift: Hibernate

     Glad to be back with you all again after what already feels like the beginning of a long winter. Since the start of December as we approached the solstice and with Mercury Retrograde in full swing at the moment, it's definitely a time to rest, relax, reflect, withdraw and replenish; to hibernate like the wild animals. I've needed the extended break to get my bearings before writing a post or doing an event, or anything for that matter. 

     If you're in the same boat, you're just where you should be. And for several reasons. There's a lot happening with the energies, especially since the solstice. For one, we've now activated and are starting to utilize the new upgrades to our energy system, one that affects how we operate physically, mentally, and emotionally. In 5D this looks to bring more strength and efficiency for our physical bodies, speed and versatility with emotional processes, not to mention telepathy (think mind reading). But the transition equates to feeling tired, irritated, overwhelmed, edgy, as if you just can't handle one more thing! Spending time out in nature or doing any kind of grounding activity will help you acclimate right now.
     Each time we receive a download of transformational energy or an activation of our upgraded systems (at the Equinoxes and Solstices), we thereafter clear out another load of the unnecessary, heavy baggage on all levels of our being. Collectively, we're working at the root chakra level. So health, money, issues about surviving/thriving are up to be released, whether they involve work, home, livelihood, or relationship...
     Many have been hit especially hard since 11-11, shockingly so, and I know I was. And we're not out of the woods yet. So if your health has plummeted, relationships have ended or become difficult, your money has drained, you can't stand your job or you lost it, all at the same time, consider it a blessing in disguise. It's a detox as the guides tell me.
     Physically, because you are still at least partly carbon~you must take care of your body as much as you're able. Proper nutrition, rest, and natural medicines are helpful. But because you are also crystalline, you can use energywork in ways you've never been able to before, to bring healing to the body. With illnesses look past the obvious sources to the "other life" causes for relief. Our bodies are feeling them big time. Memories of old injuries and traumas are coming up in the form of pain or disease in a body area. More rarely, some body discomfort is simply due to the transformational process but check in with your higher self to be sure.
     When it comes to relationships and work...let freedom ring. This is again due to our processing in the root chakra area. We can no longer be slaves, we have no tolerance for the cookie-cutter programming that we were born into. And we can't be trapped in relationships that feel confining, one-sided, co-dependent, or inauthentic. Many of us are even questioning those solid, stable, long-term, committed unions, reflecting on our choices and making decisions to stay, go, or make changes accordingly.
     We can only be us, our truest selves co-creating with those of a similar vibration. Like Finn, the storm trooper turned rebel from Star Wars 7, it takes a great deal of courage and risk but leads to empowerment, happiness, liberty, and justice. And the alternative is, well, depressing to say the least. Most of us just can't do it anymore.
      As for money, like the physical issues, we have other lives playing a role here too. We've accessed the old "lack" tapes that have been recorded during times of hardship and loss and now it's time to release. Overall I'd say go with the flow. Some helpful guidance from the Pleiadians in this life area and many is, "Don't try so much. Allow. Accept, surrender, trust. Be open to take inspired action when necessary. This is key in all your endeavors. Wait for the spark of inspiration before you do anything. If you are tired, sick, unmotivated, or burned out, stop. Go play and enjoy your life. Take care of you and let whatever it is you desire come to you."
     So let go of those jobs, relationships, or current contracts with money that feel limiting or unreal! Heal and love your body. Embrace your life and the mission that calls you. Because the force (universal energy) is with us and will support us now, every step of the way. But like the fool card in the tarot deck, we are on the edge of the cliff and do need to make the move. Harness the trust. We will find ourselves on the other side, on solid ground.
Until next time,
Heather & the Guides

If you'd like more guidance, information, and assistance in working with the 2016 energies, especially in areas of health, money, and relationships, join the Guides and me for my next Teleconference Class, Thurs. Feb. 11th, 6:30pm PST. $25. If you can't make the call live you can sign up for the recording! More details and to sign up here

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