It's not ironic that today is leap day. Or that this year is leap year. Not at all. That fabulous extra last day of February that buys us time before March, so true for what we need on a spiritual level these days. Time to prepare...
And right we should, because this month of March is going to be a powerful one! Much like last September's blood moon/eclipse series/equinox, we can expect the same earth-shaking, soul-stirring, life-changing experiences to arise, while the emotions come tumbling out. If you found that time last year unbearable, with your world crumbling down around you, rest assured this next month should prove to ignite transformation while offering much smoother sailing waters.
We've had practice since September and now we know what we're dealing with. We know what our issues are, where our weaknesses lie, and how to access our strengths. We have the moment's notice to catch our breath before we go under water again, plunging into the depths for another round of our inner work. This we must attend to if we intend to come out on the other side on solid ground, shining our light more brightly in the world due to further healing, evolvement, and with readiness to move forward in our lives.
The guides are calling this time we're headed into "the lightning bolt of March." With the first eclipse, a total solar one, happening on the 8th, bringing the so needed vitality, inspiration, ideas and energy to get up and out there; to feel alive again. If you've been drained of money, energy, cheerfulness, health, clarity, or, you fill in the blanks here--just about anything, you'll finally begin to get your bearings again, finding the inner and outer resources to want to participate in life.
Then the partial lunar eclipse on the 23rd, just shortly after the Spring Equinox on the 20th, gives us the extra momentum--the push forward, while supporting us with the masculine energy necessary to ground and manifest in our world. This translates into "take action" time. And for many who are and will be doing their work this month, it will be a much simpler and graceful process of bringing your gifts to the world and receiving abundance and healing. From the looks of things I'd say life in general can get a whole lot easier...!
So what does this required inner (or outer) work equate to, exactly? Well, taking leaps forward of course! According to the Angelics, we've been delaying this for too long, and if we truly go inward, we'll know exactly what we've been avoiding when it comes to our soul's growth and evolution as well as our external lives.
We can ask ourselves, what still remains in the shadowy realms when it comes to our painful memories, emotions, unhealed traumas, and other lifetimes? What skeletons in the closet do we still keep secretive, uncovered and undealt with, because we're haunted by them? This is where we must have courage and be willing to go if we want an easier ride through the month of March. The same is true for taking leaps forward in our outer lives.
It may feel like you need the additional faith to take what feels like a risk, what brings up every level and layer of fear you've ever felt, what will push you past your comfort zone in so many ways. But you must do it, we all must be willing at this time, for the guides remind me that so much opportunity and reward lies just around the corner...if we make that first step on our own, taking our leaps as needed, like the fool in the tarot card.
We aren't fools though, nothing of the sort. Because after we've surmounted our long-standing hurdles, we'll be all the wiser. The metaphor the Angelics give me is that of a movie or book, an adventure, where there is suspense, uncertainty, possibly even danger. As the characters or actors of integrity carry on, being brave and true, using the strength all humans innately possess within, by the time the story or movie ends all is well and as it should be. This isn't to say there couldn't be loss experienced or heavy emotions felt along the way! But with most good stories something more important has been gained by the challenge. After all, it wouldn't be very interesting to read or watch otherwise, would it?
Neither would our lives. Most people tire of boredom but even for those egos who cling to it, our souls ultimately chose to incarnate for growth and expansion. There is no other way around it. We can go the harder route and be dragged by the universe, kicking and screaming, or we can voluntarily move forward, as if we are the character in our favorite film or novel, doing what it is that we know we must!
What would you like to experience? The choice is yours. And you get to be creative about how you do it. What will your inner/outer changes look like? For so many, new careers/soul's purposes, freedoms, relationships, lifestyles, health, and homes will be born. The seed was planted last fall. March is the beginning marker for the blooming of our crops, but we can expect to see them harvest throughout the rest of this year.
So we're left now in planning and preparation time. From the Angelics: "The next seven days will prove to be very fortuitous indeed as you discover the inner and outer moves that are necessary for growth and change. Much that has been perplexing for you will be illuminated, as you receive an added helping hand from us and the many higher dimensional beings around you." I can't imagine a better sustenance and support as we rapidly approach the edge of our personal cliffs.
Enjoy the mystery and adventure!
Until the next bend of the journey,
Heather & the guides
We can ask ourselves, what still remains in the shadowy realms when it comes to our painful memories, emotions, unhealed traumas, and other lifetimes? What skeletons in the closet do we still keep secretive, uncovered and undealt with, because we're haunted by them? This is where we must have courage and be willing to go if we want an easier ride through the month of March. The same is true for taking leaps forward in our outer lives.
It may feel like you need the additional faith to take what feels like a risk, what brings up every level and layer of fear you've ever felt, what will push you past your comfort zone in so many ways. But you must do it, we all must be willing at this time, for the guides remind me that so much opportunity and reward lies just around the corner...if we make that first step on our own, taking our leaps as needed, like the fool in the tarot card.
We aren't fools though, nothing of the sort. Because after we've surmounted our long-standing hurdles, we'll be all the wiser. The metaphor the Angelics give me is that of a movie or book, an adventure, where there is suspense, uncertainty, possibly even danger. As the characters or actors of integrity carry on, being brave and true, using the strength all humans innately possess within, by the time the story or movie ends all is well and as it should be. This isn't to say there couldn't be loss experienced or heavy emotions felt along the way! But with most good stories something more important has been gained by the challenge. After all, it wouldn't be very interesting to read or watch otherwise, would it?
Neither would our lives. Most people tire of boredom but even for those egos who cling to it, our souls ultimately chose to incarnate for growth and expansion. There is no other way around it. We can go the harder route and be dragged by the universe, kicking and screaming, or we can voluntarily move forward, as if we are the character in our favorite film or novel, doing what it is that we know we must!
What would you like to experience? The choice is yours. And you get to be creative about how you do it. What will your inner/outer changes look like? For so many, new careers/soul's purposes, freedoms, relationships, lifestyles, health, and homes will be born. The seed was planted last fall. March is the beginning marker for the blooming of our crops, but we can expect to see them harvest throughout the rest of this year.
So we're left now in planning and preparation time. From the Angelics: "The next seven days will prove to be very fortuitous indeed as you discover the inner and outer moves that are necessary for growth and change. Much that has been perplexing for you will be illuminated, as you receive an added helping hand from us and the many higher dimensional beings around you." I can't imagine a better sustenance and support as we rapidly approach the edge of our personal cliffs.
Enjoy the mystery and adventure!
Until the next bend of the journey,
Heather & the guides
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