after a never ending, excruciating mercury retrograde, I’m glad to be
back. If you were like me you had
some down time, a break, or perhaps a break-down (or more)? It was unavoidable
with the frustrations, delays and misunderstandings in personal communications,
and the relentless, agonizing emotional processing that naturally followed the
triggering of your most tender, longstanding wounds. There were also scattered
days of meaningless melancholy, ultimate blah-ville, where even your most
cherished activities were not enjoyable. Yep, mercury retrograde definitely
gave you time to think it all over amidst the frequent interruptions. Hopefully you didn’t run away from it
all or indulge too much in contemporary humanity’s many forms of escapism. I
know I almost did.
But it wasn’t all mercury retrograde. With the assistance of the cosmos, the squaring of many planetary bodies, and the flipping of the sun’s poles in December, of course we’re going to feel uncomfortable right now, not to mention dizzy. We’re still assimilating recent energetic changes, and it’s a needed process in the evolution of humanity and for our Earth. (More information shared here in my expanded version newsletter. To read more about the expanded version’s or to purchase one, click here.
good news is that with most of your issues up in your face since end of
January/early February, including those anguishing relationship conflicts, if
you’ve done your inner work during this time you’ll begin to experience a
reprieve. It’s much like the beginning of the rains here in California. After
an extremely dry winter the rain has come in, and there’s more on the horizon.
It is refreshing, cleansing, and nourishing physically and emotionally, for our
planet and all living beings. The negative ions from the rain take the edge off
the irritating effects of the radioactivity and increasing EMF’s in our
environments. That’s why it’s felt so good! For these reasons, during this Piscean
time we should be in or around water, and eating what grows in it. And yes, let
go of those fears of Fukushima. (More information share here in the expanded
version newsletter).
on with what I said above for those true to their journey: the wheels of
fortune are turning in your favor.
The time of spring is coming. Those seeds you planted last fall and
nurtured throughout winter are going to bloom. Expect the bloom to literally
happen around the Spring Equinox this year. Don’t give up now--even if you’re
stupendously weary. Believe in your dreams, perhaps even those long forgotten.
If you’ve done the needed legwork in this physical reality, along with the
required spiritual growth, there’s an increase in abundance coming your way
between March-June this year. This will happen the more you allow your updated,
5th dimensional energy systems to shine though your 3rd
dimensional physical forms. (More information shared here in expanded version
The world
is in flux. Although there’s great joy, freedom, and enlightenment, many also
experience natural disasters, tyranny, and terminal illnesses. If there’s one
answer I can give you to help shift even the most difficult problems or
challenges that are coming your way this month, no matter what area of life
they may be in, it’s this: tap into your inner Divine Love. This is otherwise
known as unconditional love. The desire for protection is based on fear. At
this time in evolution, you’ll have better outcomes if you move into this
natural state of being called love.
From here,
you will rise above anything that is a lower vibration (or that you wanted
protection from), even if it’s just temporarily. Love is what moves mountains,
manifests dreams, and creates the external realities we desire. But these
things can only happen from the inside out. Your only task is to keep your fear
in check. Become aware of it when it pops in, see it for the illusion it ALWAYS
is no matter what is really happening, and let the love antidote transform it. (More
info. on this topic, including examples of when and how to access Divine Love
in the expanded version newsletter).
If you are
too weak, burned out, apathetic, agitated, enraged, or grief-stricken to tap
into it or even care, ask your higher self to deliver you an infusion of this 5th
dimensional gold whenever you need it. It really is that simple. Best of all, from
this place you’ll truly recognize what it means to be a sovereign being. (More
information here in expanded version). You’ll understand that you’re the only
one creating your reality. And
like the 9 of cups in the tarot, you’re going to get what you want, which is
what you focus on. From here, I can only offer one more piece of advice: be
care-full of what you wish for!
See you around the next bend of the journey,
See you around the next bend of the journey,
Love, Heather and the Newsletter Guides
The energy healing
provided in the expanded version newsletter will assist in the following life
the neurological system due to the sun’s pole shift and the flux of Earth
and detoxifying radiation, karma, and heavy emotions
your 5th dimensional energy to shine through your physical
manifesting greater abundance
life patterns that are creating limitations and suffering
balancing for Fukushima and other areas of Earth
To purchase
the expanded version newsletter, go to the link in the second paragraph of this
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