We’ve come
to May already! But with the intensity of April and all we’ve been through, it
seems as if we should be well into summer at least. The important thing is that
we survived the grand cardinal cross. And even if you are still feeling
extremely exhausted and unmotivated because of it, that will be changing soon.
Around the 19th of this month we’ll start to feel unstuck and more
inspired to get out there and do our thing.
astrological grand cardinal cross has helped us anchor in the new paradigm,
which allows us to manifest the physical realities we came here to partake
in. For many of us, this involves
our soul’s purpose work (what we do that brings change and evolution), but it
is also about world peace, joy, equality, and abundance. I’m not saying this
will happen overnight, but we have come a along way already, and we have to
keep going.
we are still in the shadow phase. When it comes to world authorities and power,
we will need to see and know the truth with crystal clarity. Since many are not ready to recognize
the corruption, the current task of bringing the darkness into the light might
still be in process over the next four to five years. But there’s a lot we can
do individually. Just when you
knew you needed to go deep, you now need to go deeper. Yep, look at those
personal shadow aspects even more thoroughly. We must uphold the highest of
integrity to move to a lighter vibrational state. (More information about
shadow work and integrity in the expanded version newsletter. To read about the
expanded version newsletter, or to purchase it, go here ).
the beginning of this month and throughout it, many of us have and will
experience hardships, challenges, traumas, and even disasters, just when we
thought we were done with that particular pattern. You didn’t see it coming,
but you know what it’s about, don’t you? The good news is, the problem you have
is really a blessing in disguise.
You’ve recreated it again so you could heal another layer of it and get
to the other side. The karma and all other correlated patterns, emotions,
beliefs, from all times, can be released. The next time this issue arises in
your life, it will not have to go this way. This is a huge leap forward, even
if it doesn’t feel like it. The best part is that if we truly integrate the
lessons from the challenges, we can jump to the timeline where the trauma,
challenge, hardship, or disaster never occurred. I can say I’ve experienced
this firsthand, and it is pretty freaking amazing! (More information about
jumping timelines shared in expanded version).
with some of these uncomfortable yet fortunate incidents, comes our resistance
to integrating our higher selves within our first chakras. This is the last
stage of our physical enLIGHTenment (letting our divine selves shine through
our physical containers), before our bodies continue into a deeper process of
morphing from carbon to crystalline. But in order to get there, we have to
release our resistance. Many of us
fear full integration because we think it separates us. But the truth is, like
for Buddha and Jesus, it will help us connect with, enjoy, and understand our
fellow humans like never before. (More on this topic shared in the expanded version).
we allow the integration process, the heaviness, struggles, and hard work begin
to lighten. Life becomes easier all around. Many of us will experience happy
surprises and breakthroughs this month because of our massive clearing and
surrendering. This is prime time for stepping fully into who you are. Do not hold back. You didn’t come to
earth to play small this time around! But to be who you are, you must ground
your magnificence in your outer life. If you have a dream, take steps to make
it happen. Bring your imaginative creativity into the world—let it out, let it
go! (More info. on how to do this in the expanded version). This is yet another way we bring the
darkness into the light, embracing our wholeness on our path to ascension.
you around the next bend of the journey,
love, Heather and the guides
This month’s energy activations
will be brought to you as you journey as Alice, down the rabbit hole of time.
They can help benefit the following life areas:
*To recognize on all levels of your
being, that you are sovereign. This process also helps you step more fully into
empowerment, letting go of victimhood, leading to the life of your creation.
*Helping your bring your creativity
out into the world for greater manifestation of goals.
*Bringing greater patience,
perseverance & dedication to your inner work, to bring change in your
external reality.
*To move from lack to abundance
consciousness, leading to more abundance!
If you wish to receive these
activations, click on the link in third paragraph from the top to purchase
I've never of energy healing techniques before, but they sound pretty cool. It's awesome to see that there are several different ways to heal, and to find peace. I'll have to look into this more and see if it's something that I want to try out.
Hi Jason,
DeleteMore and more people are finding that natural, holistic methods are helping them heal. Energy Medicine is becoming more mainstream. If you want to find out more about how energy healing might be able to help you, email me at or call 805-451-1585
Blessings, Heather