And tied in with
victimhood this month is money issues and the human collective. There is too
much focus and fear on financial collapse--banks closing and the dollar
plummeting. I can hear these thoughts and beliefs buzzing through the human
collective. If you haven’t learned this already, know that we create what we
spend time thinking about or dwelling on—and the darkest of emotions help this
along. Always
deal with your underlying issues of powerlessness, which make it appear
as though bad things happen to you and other citizens of the world. But
you--we--are always the creators. Understand that extremely positive emotions matched with a particular desire also
bring things into being. What do you want to see happen? Would you prefer more
community-style living, interdependence, or bartering, and/or a changed money
system? Adjust your intent, focus, and emotional stance as appropriate to consciously create what you want; perhaps a new way of thriving, with harmony and peace. For further help with consciously creating your personal reality, read about my upcoming teleconference class
at the bottom of this newsletter.
This leads me to
another important factor in the matter. We are currently in void-time. If you
haven’t noticed, the timing is off in most home and work areas. This is the
reason why there is no news, change, or moving forward, and also why there have
been temporary interruptions of technology. Fatigue is being experienced for
many reasons, but also to get you to slow down so you can be set up for the new
energetic grids of this next evolutionary sequence. We are being prepped for
the spiritual downloads coming in at the full and new moons in September,
helping us deepen our galactic connections.
But the best part
is the upcoming fall equinox energy that will propel us into greater levels of empowerment
and creation. I’m talking about the good stuff here—back to reaching your
dreams again and seeing projects fulfilled. And as for the human collective
money issue, well, we can change that for the better too. We use the power of our positive
intentions, take action on new, brilliant ideas, and thereafter create the
reality we do desire without turmoil and disaster. When we each do that for
ourselves, our creative energy radiates out and influences the collective to do
the same. That’s when we see
change on a global scale! This is where a further opening in the lines of
communication with other planets and planetary beings throughout the galaxy
will prove beneficial. Information from our planets of origin, the ascended
planets, and the higher dimensional beings from those planets can lead us in
the furthering unfolding of a collective reality that is in the highest good
for all.
The cetacean
species—whales and dolphins—are helping Earth and us realize the magnificence
of our creative power. They are currently flooding the planet, releasing these
codes through the song of their tones. That is why on the central coast this
week, every day I have seen whales.
They are out there breaching, splashing, fin flipping, and breathing at
the water’s surface; so for those who need an instant ticket to joy, go see
them! They are offering the support we need at this time to be ready to walk
through the door of initiation at the equinox, which will begin a major life
changing for those who want it and who have adequately prepared.
So I’ll leave the
initiates with one more gem of assistance this month: expect a test. Your job
is to recognize the test and pass it, and to not be attached to what might
appear to be negative consequences.
This could mean a loss, conflict, starting over, owing money, the list
could go on and on here…But it’s all an illusion. Once the test is passed, and
you hold to your trust, the veils fall away. Then you see the truth and things
begin to rock and roll for you.
September looks like a very active month!
See you around the
next bend of the journey,
Heather & the
Sirian (cetacean) guides
*If you are looking
for more assistance in assimilating the upcoming equinox energies: recognizing
and utilizing your empowerment and creative abilities, especially with going to
that next level in work, relationships, health, soul’s purpose, you name
it—join me for a teleconference on Monday, Sept. 15th from 7-8:30pm
PST. $25. The whales will be joining us! Email me to sign up:
greenbluehealing@gmail.com. If you can’t make the call, you can always sign up
and receive the recording. Read more about it here
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