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Thursday, August 28, 2014


The energies of this year's fall equinox are amazingly supportive for helping us move forward in our creative pursuits, empowerment, and grand dreams.

If you are looking for more assistance in working with these energies to benefit your work, relationships, health, soul's purpose, and especially if you've recently been recreating patterns that bring mounting frustration, fear, uncertainty, and powerlessness --this class is for you!

The recording for this teleconference class is now available. To receive all of the information and energy healing from it, click on the link at the bottom of this page.


I will further discuss:
*why being a "victim" is our own creation and how to shift out of this pattern
*creating through frequency instead of emotion: switching to the 5th dimensional way
*the energy of the third "super" full moon, Sept. 8th, which is to help us heal & prep for the new moon's activation on the 23rd: improving galactic connections.
*the equinox energies & whales' assistance: recognizing and utilizing your empowerment and creative abilities for spiritual growth and advancement in any life area
*the reason behind the increase in collective humanity's emotional instability and violence, and how we can shift this

The guides, whales, and I will be leading in energywork for:
*balance & support for heavy emotional clearing since the 8th
*healing "victim" experiences personally & collectively
*consciously creating the reality you desire
*preparing to receive and integrate the new moon & equinox energies for improving galactic connections and moving forward in your growth & life

To buy the recording now, pay $10 here and email me at greenbluehealing@gmail.com.You can also send a check, email me at the address above for the mailing address.