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Wednesday, April 24, 2013


April 24th, 2013
Wow. Saying there will be massive transformation happening throughout April and May is an understatement. This is a fervent upcoming month! Get ready.

And give your physical body ample time to rest and rehydrate, minimizing aches, fatigue, and irritability. The infusion of spiritual light and energy, and the subsequent cellular changes will be extraordinary. (More shared here in my expanded version newsletters. For more information, to purchase them, or for samples of my full newsletter & the energy activations they contain, go to: http://tealhealing.blogspot.com/2013/03/expanded-version-monthly-updates-on.html#more

This energy of tomorrow's (April 25th's) full moon/partial lunar eclipse began early, and will continue throughout the weekend of the 27th/28th. We will then receive the rest of the three-fold series: the solar eclipse on May 10th (adjoined by the new moon), and the full moon/penumbral lunar eclipse on the 25th of May. Take advantage of these profound spiritual portals and opportunities to clear karma (and the old beliefs systems and patterns that go with it), achieve spiritual mastery in areas where you've been hindered, and further balance the yin/yang energies. The best way to do this is to create your own spiritual practice/ritual. (More shared here in my expanded version newsletters).

Although our conscious minds may be unaware, there is so much happening below the surface at the end of April. Many of us are picking up on this through the subtleties in our interactions. By this I mean, it's the energy behind our words that counts (even if they come from smiling faces that seem harmless or even helpful). And yet sometimes it's just our own paranoia, our old wounds reflected in the mirror of the person standing before us. Discernment is essential to keep you sane, and your heart's inner compass will be your guiding directive in knowingness. (More information shared here in extended version newsletter)

May's solar eclipse will blast illumination and insight into areas of your life that are obscure, or where you have felt uncertain or in the dark. I see the electrical energy bringing immense clarity if you allow it, finally taking those blinders off and being able to behold a more accurate view of your reality. For some, this may not seem good, but remember with unity consciousness there is no good or bad, there simply is. In this middle ground which is the source of all freedom from suffering is acceptance, contentment, and peace. And I'm hearing all is as it should be--a fantastic sense of divine order for all who read this, even in the most unfortunate of circumstances. The truth will set you free. When you can see more clearly, you'll make decisions and changes that will remove obstacles and limitations in your life and for your spiritual growth.

For others, the solar eclipse will bring a clearer version of the true nature of reality. You'll be seeing through new lenses, because with your dedication and persistence in your personal work, your mental bodies will become more aligned to the 5D energies. The worry and tension of the past (especially over the last year) simply melts away, and you'll be replenished by the frequencies that stoke your inner fire--the passion, courage, and enthusiasm that comes with this life-altering level of awareness. Because we now have no markers, no ways of predicting the future, we won't know where we're headed, but we'll FEEL where we are going. That feeling will help us ride the wave of any sorrow, fear, or despair, instead of wiping us out.

And at this stage, you'll be able to accept the wise council of the grasshopper and the birds. Ever notice the birds are very active these days? It isn't just because it's spring, it's about freedom, fun, and manifesting...(More information shared here in the expanded version newsletter).

The best part of the solar eclipse time is that you'll feel more energized and you'll get a short break from clearing/releasing. The purifying forces will pick back up again at May's end, at the time of the full moon/penumbral lunar eclipse. This time promises to take you through the end of the fast and furious energies of spring. The eclipse energy feels dark and mysterious, an update of the feminine, like the energy of the void. It brings with it complete change, death. There will be a new beginning/creation within you--and in one or more area(s) of your life. But it's the last power punch at the end of the three-fold eclipse trine. And I don't want to spoil the ending! So buckle your seatbelts, go with (allow) the flow, and intend to enJOY the delightful, adventurous ride! And so it will be.

Love, Heather & the Newsletter Guides

These energy activations will help you clear karma, achieve spiritual mastery in the areas where you've struggled, balance the ying/yang energies within, and expand your consciousness for a life experience of greater unity and harmony.

If you wish to receive them, please click on the link in the first paragraph of the newsletter to purchase my expanded version newsletter.

Upcoming Teleconference Class: (For those of you out of the Ojai area who were unable to attend this class when I taught it twice before and those who'd like to take it again for greater healing and activations). HEALING THE DIVINE FEMININE & MASCULINE, tuesday, MAY 7TH, at 7-9pm PST. $20.

Coastal Women's Transformational Group: Sunday, June 2nd, at 12:30pm. $15. Join me for an hour of meditation, healing, and giving back to the Earth though our collective energies.

For more information on these events, go to my blog at www.tealhealing.blogspot.com or to sign up, email me at greenbluehealing@gmail.com


I am offering 10 min. email meditations specifically made to assist you with staying in balance each month with all of the energetic changes in 2013. They can improve your health, physical comfort, emotional well-being, relationships, energy levels, and quality of sleep. Pay $6 per month, $36 for 6 months, $72 a year, or just pay $10 whenever you'd like to receive one. K.Y. said: "I'm always amazed at how spot-on these meditations are with what's going on in my life and the world. They have brought me so much comfort and ease. Thank you!"

Healing Programs: Hourly private sessions over the phone or in-person made to improve a particular life area. You'll receive healing, guidelines, tools, and specific intuitive information for your situation to help you reach your goals. All sessions will be recorded. 3 sessions for $350 or 5 for $500. Payment plans available.Topics include:

Psychic Development/Animal Communication
Navigating these changing times
Career/Soul's Purpose

For $25, buy a crystal infused with healing energy to help you shift your most challenging issue(s), or manifest your most cherished goals. The energy continues to work with you as long as you need it.

For additional info. or to purchase any of these products or programs, email me at greenbluehealing@gmail.com. To buy now, go to www.tealhealing.com/payment.htm and plug in the correct payment amount for the product or program you desire.