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Monday, May 30, 2016

Soul Clusters and the Oversoul

Here's a sneak peak from my next book titled, "For the Love of Horses Workbook:
Intuitive Communication and Energy Healing For all Living Beings"
This section explains healing from the perspective of our individual soul and for those that make up our oversoul, which many of us are feeling at this point in our evolution. If any of the concepts are difficult to wrap your mind around, connect to your heart center, and feel into the meaning intuitively instead of logically. 

     We are all whole, vast, powerful beings, part of a greater soul collective. Like petals on a flower, our individual soul and others in this collective are known as our soul cluster group. To further clarify this verbal illustration, the center of the flower could be called the oversoul. The flower as a whole represents the oversoul energy. Our oversoul and others are connected, which make up larger soul families and collectives. 
     At some point during our soul’s existence our individual soul broke off from our oversoul and incarnated into physical form, in this linear timeline, so that we could experience the illusion of being separate. We did this to learn specific lessons, have certain experiences, and gain spiritual mastery as directed by our oversoul.
     The oversoul records and integrates every lifetime and the life events of each soul member. A good metaphor to clarify this concept is to view the oversoul as a radio station and each member of the soul cluster as a particular song. As individuals, we only know our own song, but the oversoul has access to all the varieties at once.
     Since we’ve begun incarnating, over thousands, even millions of times on earth and in other physical and nonphysical planets, worlds, and realities, both as individuals and collectives, we have experienced opposite ends of the spectrum in being human or another living being—good and bad, pain and pleasure, joy and despair, abundance and scarcity, and all that exists in between.
In the process, through trauma or overwhelming circumstances, we have become fragmented. At this time of the shift, many of us as individual souls long to return to the soup of our oversoul energy and ultimately, Source. We desire the peace and harmony of oneness.
     Our ascension is a process that involves our individual souls merging with our higher selves and becoming fully fifth dimensional. Currently, humanity’s soul consciousness resides in the fourth dimension. This is a dimension where we can experience the dense, physical aspects of the third dimensional existence and the lighter, ethereal experiences of the fifth dimension, as our physical bodies transform from carbon-based to crystalline. The animal and nature kingdom are also shifting along with us, as their physical consciousness is becoming more humanoid or third dimensional, and their bodies are also changing to crystalline.
     Our ascension may or may not take many more lifetimes. But after we ascend our evolution continues; we rise up through the higher dimensions. From a linear perspective, eventually we will reach a nonphysical existence once again, while becoming one with those in our soul cluster along the way.  Presently, our main goal is still to first focus on the process of helping our individual soul become whole.

     This wholeness happens through our healing process: becoming aware of and experiencing the suppressed or repressed memories, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors from this life and all of our other lives. It also involves mastery of the lessons associated with them. As we heal, any hindering energies begin to lift out of our energy fields. Soul pieces and fragments that we have lost through trauma come back to us. Our being fills up with more divine light and unconditional love. We then make our way back to being bigger beings again.
     But it is important to understand that while we are on this journey, we will continue to recreate situations that bring up the old memories, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors, to a greater or lesser degree, depending on our level of spiritual understanding. This will persist until all of these vibrations are completely cleared from our energy fields and our individual souls have become whole through fully experiencing and therefore integrating these life happenings. This is what it takes to heal many lifetimes and many layers of wounding and trauma.
     As our individual souls become more whole, we then begin the healing process with those in our soul cluster. This is already happening for many on earth right now. We are remembering and experiencing the traumas of many of those beings in our cluster group. Because of this, we might dream about lifetimes that these souls have lived. At that time, or even while awake, we can access many of those soul’s memories, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and even physical sensations related to particular life experiences and traumas.
     When this happens in a dream or vision, the experiences might feel or look like they are happening to you. They might remind you of something from your past or you might think they are from another one of your lifetimes. Sometimes when the memories, emotions, or visceral sensations are experienced, you might even think they are related to something in your current life.
     For example, some people will pin health issues or pain on emotional or physical causes, like stress or an injury, when in truth, it is related to a trauma from another life or a member of their soul cluster’s life.  You, or that other soul aspect might have been shot in the area of pain, or had another illness, injury, or traumatic experience that affected the area of the body where you now have the health issue.
     A common issue being worked through for many in a soul cluster is power, where certain members play out the victim role, and others are the perpetrator, sometimes even in the same lifetime. A sorrowful example of this is the Holocaust. During this tragedy in human history, one soul aspect could have been a Jewish person in a concentration camp, while another was a Nazi guard. In this case, you might have memories of living out both experiences, as victim and perpetrator. But these seemingly opposite energies are really two sides of the same coin when it comes to learning about empowerment. The karma of each side is balanced by the other.
     It takes a great deal of intuitive experience to understand what’s really going on in these situations. The good news is, you don’t have to know whether it was you or another soul that experienced the trauma because the souls that are part of your cluster make up your oversoul energy, which is the bigger you. So heal these issues the same way you would heal your individual soul’s issues. Help your animal do the same as well!

     From the big picture standpoint, as we deepen the process of healing and transformation for our individual soul and our soul cluster, our consciousness continually expands. We evolve. This enlightenment continues through all of our existences, until we merge fully into our oversoul’s energy, eventually making our way back to Source—the ultimate divine energy—the all that is.