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Monday, April 27, 2015


Reconnect with nature and communicate with horses in a new way, while learning natural horsemanship & basic riding skills.

In addition, the animal communications skills and intimate interactions with the horses will benefit kids' self-esteem, confidence, self-responsibility and overall wellness. Highly sensitive children will find balance, groundedness and improved cognitive function from time spent with the horses.

For children ages 7 and up. Children must be physically and mentally able to follow instructions. No horse experience is needed. Beginners and those experienced welcome!

SATURDAY, JUNE 13TH, FROM 10AM-2PM, $75 (Sign up through Heather)
WED. JUNE 17TH & THURS. JUNE 18TH, FROM 10AM-2PM, $185 (This camp is hosted by the Ymca; sign up through Shelly Dargatz as instructed below).

 Specific activities will include:

*learning about horse lifestyle, food, riding gear, behaviors, body language
*grooming, cleaning hooves, and horse care
*how to approach and touch a horse
*animal communication skills
*leading horse by halter and lead rope
*light horseback riding
*interactions with the horses that promote self-esteem and emotional well-being

Address: 2991 Poco Rd, in Templeton. (left off hwy 41 & first right into property with white fencing)

Kids must be prepared to get dirty, have fun, and explore the world of horses!
They should dress in layers, wear hat and/or sunscreen as needed and toe covered shoes (boots preferred), and bring a sack lunch and plenty of water.

For questions, directions, other details, or to sign up for the camp on the 13th, call Heather at 805-451-1585 or email greenbluehealing@gmail.com. You can pay by credit card or paypal online at: www.tealhealing.com/payment.htm. (Click on the buy now button. On the left hand side of the page, type in the payment amount, $75). You can also mail a check. Call or email Heather for the address.

To sign up and pay for the camp on the 17th & 18th, Call or email Shelly Dargatz at 805-239-3047 or sdargatz@sloymca.org.

Space is limited in both camps, so signing up with payment asap is recommended!

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