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Saturday, April 25, 2015


Advanced Animal Communication Class
Saturday, May 16th, from 1-3pm
At Unity, 1165 Stubblefield Rd, Santa Maria, CA. $25.

Have you ever wondered what your animals are thinking? Have you wanted to find a way to communicate and connect with them to improve their health and behavior, and your relationship with them? Throughout my career as an animal communicator and healer, I have discovered that animals long for a deeper bond with us, one that involves the use of their natural abilities as healers and teachers.

This class will include advanced skills involved in animal communication. Beginners and those experienced are welcome! Bring a picture of your animal to practice with. The class will also include the signing of my book, "For the Love of Horses: An Animal Communicator's Guide to Helping Our Horses and Healing Our Lives." The cost of the book is $19.99, in addition to the class fee.

We will briefly review how to ground, center, and activate the intuitive centers, as well as how to send and receive basic messages to and from your animals through the body.

Advanced level skills will include connecting to your animal's higher self for:
*chronic/complex issues like emotional and behavior problems
*death and dying questions
*how to find lost animals

You will also learn:
*the basics of medical intuition, finding the source of health issues
*basic energy techniques for healing your animal on a body, mind, or spirit level.

Email or call Heather at greenbluehealing@gmail.com or 805-451-1585 for questions and to sign up. You can register and pay online by credit card or paypal at www.tealhealing.com/payment.htm. You can also pay at the door by check or cash.