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Monday, March 26, 2012

Now available...Monthly email meditations for staying in balance thru 2016!

Are you feeling overwhelmed or off balance these days with all that is changing in the world, the environment/climate, and the powerful evolutionary energies affecting all of us on a body, mind & spirit level? I am offering 10-15 min. email meditations specifically made to help you stay in balance each month with all of the energetic changes thru 2016. They can help you improve your health, physical comfort, emotional well-being, relationships, energy levels, personal issues, and quality of sleep. 

Here's a sample meditation: https://app.box.com/s/ihcq677s3cenz8l28v8w8d761njgitdg

From Teri K.: I am amazed at how much these meditations mirror what's going on for me. They've helped me heal and change my life. Thank you, Heather!

Questions? Email me at greenbluehealing@gmail.com.

The subscription cost is $6 per month or $50 for a year. For $10 as needed, you can email me when you want one to help you get back into balance. 
To sign up  & BUY NOW: www.tealhealing.com/books-products.htm