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Friday, April 5, 2013



After the power packed month of March, which was sure to bring you lots of surprises and movement, we get a few weeks break to integrate. Especially for those who experienced these leaps forward as conflict or turmoil, take time to reflect on the lessons learned and receive a deeper healing, before taking the spiritual plunge again with the full moon/partial lunar eclipse on the 25th of April. (More information shared here in the extended version newsletter. To find out more about my expanded version newsletters which will also include energy activations, go to http://tealhealing.blogspot.com/2013/03/expanded-version-monthly-updates-on.html#more )

Spring 2013, in general, is about transition. Many humans are at some stage of changing over to the 5th dimensional energy systems, even those recently awakened, while others are updating on emotional/mental levels as well. Of course, the physical is the last level to be completely transformed, because of its density. This is why most of us cannot fathom Earth in her full-fledged 5th dimensional (and beyond) version. We still see her the same way (as well as the rest of our lives): through 3rd dimensional glasses. The process of changing your viewpoint--from illusion to truth--will take place from the inside out. So spiritual growth MUST be your first priority. When you cleanse your mind and expand your personal consciousness, the pure, magical, formlessness takes shape in your external reality.

While your old BMW is being transformed into a new, upgraded model you can expect the following: fatigue, achy head and body, insomnia, forgetfulness, dizziness or disorientation, temporary intolerance to certain foods, emotional lability, turnover in friends and acquaintances or personal losses, disinterest in favorite hobbies or pleasures (including body sensuality--like eating and sex). Desire for sex and intimacy with a partner can definitely be altered while you're switching over to a 5th dimensional system. Keep the lines of communication open and be patient with one another! (More information here in the Expanded Version Newsletter).

On the flip side, there is a lot to look forward to: Better health, opportunities for advancement and life change (in all life areas), new life interests and passions coming forth, for some, even a complete change in your soul's purpose (For example: a former school teacher who has now created an organization that supports disabled children, or a traditional healer who channels healing into art and organically grown food). You can create it any way you like it, and we have another new moon on the 10th to help us raise our frequencies and let it be so. Be open and flexible to the new forms your dreams want to take, because as you do, you not only allow things to come in quicker, but they come to you in a form that you'll enJOY even more than what you originally thought you wanted.

A good metaphor for this time is the transitional stage of labor for a pregnant woman. For those who don't know, this is the most difficult part of labor. The cervix fully dilates and contractions are longer and stronger as the baby descends into the pelvis. It is the most painful phase, and is the time when most women scream at their husbands, want to give up, think they are going to die, or otherwise, "lose control." It can last a longer or shorter period of time, each woman's experience is unique. I bring this up to help hold your hand, and keep you hanging in there if you're feeling this way. Many of us entered transition in March and will be in it hard-core throughout May. It looks to me like late May, early June will be the time for pushing, but by the summer, we'll be bringing our babies home.

The important thing is to not give up, and to release all resistance in this time of change. If you have resistance to healing and growing, looking at your areas of weakness and making improvements, let it go. Many have seen this internal resistance play out recently in conflicts and trauma in their external world, which is always a wake up call that something needs attention. I've learned this firsthand the hard way, but I've also discovered additional ways to make this transition time go smoothly. (More information here in the Expanded Version Newsletter).

The key to letting go of resistance: having the full awareness that life will get EASIER and become more pleasant if we allow and fully participate in our evolution. Evolution is not difficult--we just think it is (and thus the painful transitional time). The challenges lie with our unwillingness to move out of our comfort zone. If you think these ideas are already well ingrained on all levels of your being, and you still have resistance, ask your higher self for an energetic solution. This will manifest as a conscious understanding and/or a shift in your energy. Give yourself a few hours or days, and you'll know the resistance (or at least some degree of it) has lifted.

The metaphor I share, the process of birthing a baby through spring and into summer, is a reflection of this stage in your journey of ascension. It is about birthing a new you--one that is ready for moving into the next level. No matter where you are at personally, most will be more familiar with the crystalline chakra systems and energy field, and many will be in harmony with and actively utilizing the laws and principles of the 5th dimension, as their life will be changing for the better in likely more than one area. (More information here in the Expanded Version Newsletter).

And that is when holding and being with your newborn baby makes the pain and hardship of labor well worth it (and long forgotten).

See you at the next level!

Enjoy the journey,
Heather and The Guides

This month's energy activations are available in the Expanded Version of this Newsletter. They will include energy to help you:

*heal loss and receive tools to deal with relationship and lifestyle changes
*clear karmic blocks, helping you release resistance to your soul's evolution, and gain the inspiration and motivation to advance in all life areas
*be receptive to raising your frequencies on the 10th and fully incorporating and utilizing the spiritual downloads on the 25th
*make the process of upgrading to a 5th dimensional system (no matter where you are at) more graceful and easier.

Upcoming Teleconference Class: (For those of you out of the Ojai area who were unable to attend this class when I taught it twice before and those who'd like to take it again for greater healing and activations). HEALING THE DIVINE FEMININE & MASCULINE, tuesday, MAY 7TH, at 7-9pm PST. $20.

Coastal Women's Transformational Group: Sunday, MAY 26TH, at 12:30pm. $15. Join me for meditation, healing, and giving back to the Earth though our collective energies.

For more information on these events, go to my blog at www.tealhealing.blogspot.com or to sign up, email me at greenbluehealing@gmail.com


I am offering 10 min. email meditations specifically made to assist you with staying in balance each month with all of the energetic changes in 2013. They can improve your health, physical comfort, emotional well-being, relationships, energy levels, and quality of sleep. *SPECIAL*: If you sign up in April, pay $50 to receive one each month for the rest of this year. Otherwise, pay $6 per month, $36 for 6 months, or just pay $10 whenever you'd like to receive one. K.Y. said: "I'm always amazed at how spot-on these meditations are with what's going on in my life and the world. They have brought me so much comfort and ease. Thank you!"

Healing Programs: Hourly private sessions over the phone or in-person made to improve a particular life area. You'll receive healing, guidelines, tools, and specific intuitive information for your situation to help you reach your goals. All sessions will be recorded. 3 sessions for $350 or 5 for $500. Payment plans available.Topics include:

Psychic Development/Animal Communication
Navigating these changing times
Career/Soul's Purpose

For $25, buy a crystal infused with healing energy to help you shift your most challenging issue(s), or manifest your most cherished goals. The energy continues to work with you as long as you need it.

For additional info. or to purchase any of these products or programs, email me at greenbluehealing@gmail.com. To buy now, go to www.tealhealing.com/payment.htm and plug in the correct payment amount for the product or program you desire.