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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Relationships and the Shift: April Newsletter

Most of us are experiencing great transformation as we navigate our lives during this paradigm shift happening on Earth. Every life area is impacted, including relationships. Many clients and friends have recently contacted me for information about what is going on in this arena, which is why I'm inspired to write about this topic for April's newsletter. I've experienced many of the relationship nuances described throughout it!

 Right now we are in the time of Venus Retrograde until the 15th of April. This is a time when we review and evaluate our relationships, deciding on the worth and value of those we are currently in, and considering the potential of those we haven't begun. Although many might feel pulled to take action or make major life adjustments we are advised to wait until after the 15th when all has been reflected upon and processed.

Most of us are no longer operating predominantly in a 3D manner when it comes to relationships and sex. As we step more fully into 5D, we move from codependence to co-creation. We express mainly from a place of unconditional love and less from neediness or desire. For many of us, we are being asked to let go of who and what no longer resonates or fits, particularly when the energies or issues with certain others have been stagnant for too long. This is emphasized as well, when despite our best efforts no shifts have been made.

In this evolutionary time period especially, many are finding that in any kind of relationship--with a friend, lover, partner, or family member, there might come a time when separation or even a definite ending needs to happen. This does not mean you've failed or given up, or that the relationship wasn't strong enough or the real deal. In many cases, it's quite the contrary. Sometimes the highest spiritual partnerships need space and time for one or both people to heal a particular issue or expand in a certain way. Then they can come back together again when or if it's right, and move forward into a deeper purpose and passion.

What does this mean for happily ever after? Does it even still exist in current times? I believe it does. But I do think that with most friendships and romantic partnerships it can be challenging if both people aren't willing to do their inner work. Continuing to change and grow promotes long-lasting, spiritually-evolved relationships.

There is also a shift that is becoming more common in romantic partnerships and friendships these days. Many people in healthy, comfortable, and satisfying relationships are being pulled to new spiritual partners and friends, in order to fully participate in higher level potentials. These can involve soul mates; those who are part of our oversoul or another oversoul, or twin flames, the female or male counterpart of our individual soul. (For more info. on oversouls, read my previous blog post here). With soul mate and twin flame relationships, the purpose of coming together is to ignite mutual soul growth while bringing service to the world in a form the couple chooses. Twin flames, through the power that is emanated in their merging and wholeness, specifically help expedite the ascension process on earth.

Many people are confused at first as to why they are drawn to these new lovers or friends. We might not be easily impressed. Often soul mates and twin flames come in packages we don't expect. Sometimes our higher level potentials are just beginning their awakening and will need a great deal of time/space and support during their transformational process. We might need to develop more courage, trust and patience, and be able to hang in there during periods of the unknown. Like any relationship, there is never any guarantee that the relationship will progress in a certain way or be long-lasting. This is where we learn to let go of attachment to outcomes, loving unconditionally.

What is most essential is your awareness. No matter what circumstance you might find yourself in above, if any of them apply to you, follow your intuition. Follow the pull even if it doesn't make logical sense at first. You'll know it's likely a higher level partnership--soul mate or twin flame, if you feel expanded or activated in the other's presence. You'll experience a level of joy and connection like never before…And then, with all the love and excitement, the unhealed issues come up for release. This is where the willingness to do the inner work comes in. 

Due to the depth and power of these relationships, it is difficult for many people to go back to stagnant partnerships and aspects of their lives. Of course, we always have our free will to choose. We might have our reasons for not choosing our higher level partners as well, especially when abusive or destructive behaviors are present. In these cases, time, space, and unconditional love can offer the support needed to help them shift in the short or long term, opening up the potential for you to be together if you desire to, later on.

In going forward and saying yes to our destinies, whether that be in continuing, ending or separating, and/or starting new relationships, we are becoming more whole, more expanded, more connected to ourselves and our divine essence. This leads to rewards in many forms, not just in relationships. It offers us the ability to experience a sense of empowerment, strength, trust, love, joy and fulfillment that has never been possible. We are able to do this because we have deepened the most important relationship of all--the one we have with ourselves.

Until the next bend of the journey,
Heather and the Guides

For those interested in extra energetic support, guidance, healing, and information during this time of the shift, join me in my upcoming tele-class with colleagues Wanda Vitale and Theresa Luttenegger, on Saturday April 22nd from 10am -12pm PST Details here 

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