it really November already? Hard to believe fall has flown by…in a flash
despite a mercury retrograde that didn’t seem to slow us down a bit. October and beginning of November
brought two powerful eclipses with the new and full moons; we cleansed and
released for another deep layer of integration. Take a moment to look in the
mirror and connect with your new self. You really have transformed!
Whoa! If
you’re like me, you’ve been twirled upside down, inside out, and you’re finding
yourself in a completely different life.
(More shared here in the expanded version newsletter. For more
information about the expanded versions or to purchase for just $9, click here).
But where does that leave you for the rest of November and into December?
Like the
cyclical seasons, we are preparing for winter. On an energetic level, this
means death. We are dying to our old selves, our outdated beliefs, patterns,
ways of seeing the world, even letting go of material possessions, control, and
wanting to know where we are headed. If you thought October was a tough month,
be prepared for the bigger challenge this November and early December. Whatever
you didn’t shift last month will come up again louder, more intense, and with
heftier consequences. But remember
this is always a good thing, because it gives you more opportunity to evolve at
lightning speed. As I’ve said
before, saying yes to evolution means a life of more calm, peace, and happiness.
And at this time, we have extra support and assistance with the transformative
energies coming from the center of the galaxy and those beings of the 5th
dimension and beyond. All it takes is your willingness to allow your internal
shifts to happen. It really can be that easy. (More information on how to help yourself in the evolutionary
process in the expanded version newsletter).
piece of the “energetic death” this month and into December involves grief. I spoke of this last month, but we are
still clearing deep layers of it. For most, it’s more extreme this month. We
are grieving what we’ve lost (in this life and many, many others, including
other dimensions, universes, and as other species). Not only are we processing
grief from issues that have to do with our relationships, health, work, and
other life circumstances, but we are also grieving our separation from the
human collective, the animal/nature collective, and our disconnection from our
galactic origins. Have you felt
the tender heartache yet? For some it may even feel as though a huge weight has
been placed on the chest and in the psyche. In addition, there’s a
restlessness, helplessness, and anxiety that goes along with it. You’re sure to
find yourself in reverie over what once was but is no longer in your life. I know for me, I’ve been feeling
confused by the sadness, emotionally raw and vulnerable, yet uncertain of where
it was coming from…until I contemplated the symbolic resonance of what was
showing up in my external world (More information shared here in the expanded
You may
also be feeling emotionally unbalanced, ungrounded, and energetically
depleted. This is happening as
we’re sandwiched between the transformative energies blasting off of our sun
and earth. On top of this, the bombardment
of spiritual energy floating in from the center of the galaxy is
relentless. It’s becoming routine
to have to schedule some time for venting your frustrations, having meltdowns,
or finding a place to lie down in the middle of your day! The apathy you’re
feeling some days is also inviting you to do absolutely NOTHING…and to just
simply BE. This shift will support your physical and spiritual transformation.
As far as
grounding goes, we can still connect to the earth the old 3-D way, receiving the
life force energy that helps sustain us. But since we are upgrading to a more
efficient, fine-tuned system, I have found that it is simpler, quicker, and
more graceful to work with your crystalline system to maintain balance in your
everyday life. For those who’re struggling with physical pain and cognitive
difficulties, this is the time to make the switch from electro-magnetic to
crystalline (More information shared here in the expanded version). After all,
eventually we will convert over to this system entirely.
If this is
a new concept for you, let me explain: The crystalline system includes your
crystalline energy field, chakras, and internal structures. Our physical bodies
are currently in transition from carbon to crystalline. As of now, most of us
are working with both electro-magnetic and crystalline energy, according to the
percentage of these energies that we carry within. This is true for the animal
and nature kingdoms as well. By the time we reach ascension, and as our earth
and sun complete their processes, we will rely on our own self-contained
crystalline systems to replenish, rejuvenate, calm, ground, and to keep our
health in check. Of course, by that time, the way we think and integrate emotions
will also have changed. For many, this change has already occurred. In addition, what we eat and how we eat
will continue to transform (More info. in expanded version). Have you become
aware of this? The nature spirits working with our physical bodies, as well as
those of the animals and the earth will move on from this role and forward in
their evolution.
But with
all of these changes, the Pleiadians are directing me to refocus your attention
on something more important. Right now, if you concentrate, you can feel the
pulsation of the energy of our moon. She holds a sacred, safe space that
balances the energies of the sun and earth, while at the same time, comforts
and nurtures us. Breathe in the bounty of this nourishment whenever you need it
throughout this month. And lastly,
there’s an alluring music coming from the cosmos. If you listen with your inner ears, you will hear the
ascended celestial bodies singing to you, lifting you up out of your heavy
slumber. Whenever you feel out of sorts, anxious, or unhinged this month, take
it all in. It’s a great reset
button. As the energy permeates your being you’ll recalibrate to the 5th
dimensional frequencies. You’ll know once again that all is in divine order…the
future is unfolding exactly as it should…taken care of by the present…every
moment—every breath.
Giving Thanks this month & Many
Heather, The Pleiadians, and the
newsletter guides
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