If your September has been anything
like mine, your deepest, darkest fears and unresolved issues (even those you
thought were long gone and cleared by now) have been really in your face. Like
your worst nightmare come true, they appear in your life when you’re least
expecting them, and in a way that you wouldn’t ever guess, right? On top of
that, there simply is no way to distract yourself from the fear, anger, hurt,
or sadness. For most of us, we can’t just go off and play basketball, watch a
film, or go have ice cream to feel better anymore.
In fact, nothing
will help. Nothing except doing the inner work needed to master the lessons
while tapping into the only part of you that is real, your essence. This aspect
of you is also known as the light of God, source energy, a higher power, the I
AM presence. It doesn’t matter what you call it, as long as you know what it
is, and that it is located deep within your core. Aligning with it will bring
peace, comfort, and joy during these challenging times. It will keep you from
reacting to or believing in fear—what we often see reflected in our external
realities every day in some shape or form. But it also assists you in
connecting to the energy of the collective. Our souls are delighted with every
step we take to get closer to operating fully as a collective in our world. (More information shared here in my expanded version newsletters. To read more about the expanded version's or purchase them, click here.)
Many of us are experiencing
personal losses in areas of work, money, homes, and also losses in
relationships, including death. You may be reliving or feeling the hurts and
betrayals of something from years ago, or something that didn’t even happen in
this lifetime. But it’s real nonetheless. Surrender to the feelings and at the same time, ask your
higher self and the light of God within to radiate to you the frequency of unconditional
love and compassion, which helps you move through it. On another note of surrender, it’s wise
to let yourself rest or sleep when your physical body is in pain or exhausted
these days. When you do this, you’re helping your body release heavy energies
and toxins, and become more crystalline.
This leads to more energy later if you don’t fight the agony in the
As we fully
integrate these experiences and feelings, we’ll move into the next stage of our
evolution, one that involves coming together as a collective and really understanding
the implications of that. When you
help your group(s), you help yourself, and when you turn a blind eye to
another’s suffering, you suffer right along with them. Obviously, we see the
negative effects of these truths in our every day realities: poverty,
homelessness, economic decline, or being slaves to our jobs (which I will
discuss more thoroughly in the expanded version). But we also see
the positive effects of helping and including others showing up in insurance
changes, equal opportunities for marriage for gay couples in some states, and
legislation that will pass sometime in the near? future with regard to release
of student loan debt. As you can imagine, the latter changes will lead to even
more equality in those underprivileged or abused: women, youth, and those who
are mistreated because of their race or religion.
And speaking of
the abused, it’s time to really look at our victim mentality. This is another
area that is really up big time to be cleared right now in collective
humanity. How often do you feel
helpless, a lack of control, that nothing you do has any impact on your life or
destiny, or that others or yourself are to blame for your current life
situation or future? Think about it. Ask yourself, why have you chosen to
experience the re-creation of victimhood in the many guises it takes? (More information shared here in the expanded version).
The bottom line
with all of this is that we simply experienced our own versions of victimhood
to learn a lesson—a lesson about empowerment, ultimately. And this is one of
life’s greatest lessons because it truly aids us in stepping completely into
our new role as creator beings. So, what would you really like to see happen?
It is essential
that we contemplate this as we get ready for the upcoming full moon/lunar
eclipse on the 18th of this month. As I shared on facebook last month, many of us were wrapping
up some core issues that we’ve struggled with in this life as well as
throughout a multitude of lifetimes. As this is finalized, we are being
initiated into a new level of our evolution, one that involves new lessons and
soul tasks. For those of you who
are experiencing this, it’s important that you pass all the tests you are being
given during this initiative period, and if this is you, you’ll know exactly
what these life “tests” are. You want to be in a place of strength by the time
of the full moon. This will help you stay balanced and less overwhelmed, as
many of the issues that have to do with the new lessons will get triggered at
that time (so they can be cleared).
The best news is that the illumination and downloads of the lunar
eclipse will bring insights and guidance, giving you the tools and resources
needed to work through whatever rises to the surface. (More info. in expanded version).
At this time, many
people only know what their life will be like for about the next two weeks to a
month. That’s it. They don’t have any further guarantees. I encourage you to
take this idea a step further. Pretend that all you have is the moment you are
living right now. What would you have your next moment be? And the moment after
that? You get the picture. This is where we get to have fun with it all. See
the challenge of living with the unknown as an adventure. Embrace risk-taking
as part of your safety and security in these changing times. The power of your
awareness and your spiritual mastery, with the intense desire and willingness
to direct the unfolding of your life will help you rise above any obstacles in
the physical world. One by one, as
we each experience our realities this way, operating from a more 5th
dimensional, present-moment stance, we’ll assist the rest of the collective in creating more abundance. And this
is when we begin to see the kind of global changes that we’ve all been waiting
for. I think we can imagine what that would look like!
See you around the next bend of the
Heather, The Pleiadians, Nature
Spirits & the newsletter guides
I highly recommend this month's energy activation because it's loads of fun during this Halloween time. On top of that, you'll receive the energy needed to help you shift and work with many of the issues presented in this newsletter, especially those of you who feel you are slaves to your jobs, or are having financial hardships. To receive them, buy the expanded version newsletter here.